FEMA user data export

Export your SeriesFad and MoviesFad data

SeriesFad and MoviesFad are closing down. Read the full statement here.

By inserting your credentials in the form below you can download you data in the desired format.

Notes on formats

Here you can find a quick list of formats and their description

  • SQLite database: An SQLite database file containing every information. This is a format aimed at tech-savvy people and requires knowledge of SQL. This is the source of truth that generates all other formats. It is advised to keep a copy of this as other formats may not include everything.
  • CSVs zip: A zip file containing multiple CSVs files in a custom format.
  • JSONs zip: A zip file containing multiple JSONs files in a custom format. This can be directly imported in Simkl. Follow the instructions on their website

If you have any question or concern, please take a look at our FAQs or contact us at goodbye@femastudios.com.